Grateful Dead Live at Knickerbocker Arena on 1990-03-26

Set 1

Hell In A Bucket, Dupree's Diamond Blues, A Little Light, Black Throated Wind, Big Railroad Blues, Picasso Moon, Row Jimmy, Blow Away

Set 2

Built To Last, Victim Or The Crime, China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider-> Women Are Smarter-> Drums-> Jam-> I Need A Miracle, Dear Mr. Fantasy-> Gimme Some Lovin'-> Morning Dew, E: Brokedown Palace

This date is featured on Dozin' at the Knick.
Huge thanks to Rich for recording this and sharing
with me!We went to this together and Rich had his VHS recorder
programmed for the start of the broadcast,We worked this up
the next day or so,can't recall what we used to transfer to
cassette and I'm sure nothing too fancy or any high end equipment.
This was good enough that I didn't grab my friends master audience
of this night and I know since having the two earlier nights they
were excellent as well.In a few small areas you can hear static or
interuptions from the broadcast but to be expected from a FM broadcast
and not too distracting at all.In the start of both sets I believe
you can hear the SBD mix being added to the audience so maybe a matrix?
To my knowledge this hasn't been shared with many other people other
than my friend's who I have made copies for and not sure if Rich
had made any copies of his master VHS copy and shared with others
either.Have been out of touch with Rich for a good number of
years (13 or so,too long) and I hope he's doing well and gets to hear
this transfer of his recording I made!Thanks Buddy!Enjoy!
Accession Number
Archival Resource Key